Friday, September 8, 2000

8 September 2000 - The Story Begins

At my regular checkup in April, a lump was detected on my prostate.  I was referred to Dr. Feero who ordered a biopsy.
24 August 2000:  Headed to the Moncton Hospital around .  We were there for four hours.  I had to have an enema to prepare for the prostate ultrasound.  First Dr. Feero did a cystoscopy (local freezing).  I could watch the procedure on the screen.  When this part was finished, the doctor did a digital examination.  Then he took at least eight samples for biopsy purposes.  (“Keep breathing deeply, you’ll feel a sharp jab.  And another.  And another….”)  It was not an ordeal.  We’ll have the results before we leave on our trip to Oberammergau.

8 September 2000
:  I got a phone call from Dr. Feero.  He had good news- all the biopsy results were negative, no sign of cancer.  He will see me in about six months.